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This is one of Shawne's favorites:

one bunch of parsley
2 sprigs basil
extra small bunch fresh chives (or pinch of dried)
one red onion
three tomatoes, chopped
one avocado
1 habanero pepper
3/4 cup raw alomonds
drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
raw honey
a lemon

Chop up parsley and basil, half the onion, avocado and tomatoes in a bowl. Blend the almonds to a flour like consistency in your blender or food processor. Add the other half of the onion and second avocado, to the nut mixture and then add to the herbs. Add to that the lemon juice, olive oil, about a tablespoon or two of the honey and salt to taste. Chop up the habanero (I use more if no one else is eating it!) and soak in olive oil for a little while, maybe 5-10 minutes. Then add about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to the herb salad mixture. This is delicious and nutritious!

This meal has a nice balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is not properly combined, if you follow food combining rules. So I try to consume this as my last meal of the day if I am going to eat it, so that I have several hours before bedtime to digest it and then my body has all night to work on it before I begin eating again the next morning.

Remember healthy plant based fats like avocadoes and nuts, as well as olive oil are just as important when you are trying to lose weight as ever. Just eat moderate amounts. That is why "fat free" dieters have to "diet" forever because while a body can lose weight while on a fat free diet, the weight will always come back (usually with a vengance) once the "normal" diet is resumed.

That is why it is so important to eat healthy balanced meals as a habit for a lifetime. Teaching young children to eat whole foods rather than processed foods is one of the most important things a parent can do. We must lead by example, teaching our children that looking a certain way is not the goal, but being healthy for Him (God) is the ultimate goal. When we treat our body as the temple it is, then it is ready for service to Him.