Finding a Good Doctor

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At the second night of the first Green Smoothie Challenge kickoff, I promised the ladies I would be the guinea pig for checking out a doctor we had all heard about.

With a fair amount of apprehension, I made the appointment. As the appointed day grew closer I wondered if this would be yet another waste of time and money. I prepared for the day by much prayer and also by gathering all my personal info; everything I thought she would need to know about my history.

When I walked in to her office, I just had a sense of peace. Everyone was friendly enough, very helpful. I filled out the paperwork and headed back to wait. While I was waiting I noticed lots of posters for various medications, so I felt the visit could go either way. She came in and sat down and talked to me (actually listened and heard what I was saying, as opposed to doing ALL the talking and then thinking of what to say next while I talked... very refreshing). She didn't have to "act like a doctor." I was impressed.

Just avoiding going into great detail about my own personal issues here; but she reassured me that I was on the right track with things I was doing to improve my health and prevent further illness. She also recommended adding certain vitamins to what I was already doing. We talked about what I eat and my doctor's recommendation, what I need to add to my diet...agreed on all that. It was good. Very good.

I did have my blood drawn to test for Vitamin D deficiencies, something I have been wanting to do for a while and something everyone should do, in my opinion. As a society, we are indoors too much and do not get adequate Vitamin D (comes from sunshine.) To read more about Vitamin D testing, why you need it and much more GO HERE.

As I was leaving I saw someone I recognized, but haven't seen for YEARS... a cousin of mine, Rhonda Burgess! Talking with her was further confirmation that this was a God-cidence. (there are no coincidences) I firmly believe that God works all things together for good...and looking back, I can see step by step how he led me to finding a new doctor, that I would not have to travel across three states to see! Praise God. I am so thankful for everyone he used to get me there.

Verdict: Go see Dr. Jill Wallner at Pinnacle Health. You won't be sorry.


rebeccahuff said...

By the way. I got the results of my Vitamin D test. I was deficient. I will be taking a supplement for 3 months and then be tested again.