Green Smoothie Challenge Day.....

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I'm losing track of the days! I didn't bother posting over the weekend, but I held up my 10 points. The only thing I did that was not part of the plan was the night of our anniversary. Shawne took me to Wasabi's. Yum. I did undereat though, and that is a huge improvement for me, as Wasabi's is my favorite place to eat, and I only get to go there a few times per year.


  1. Still need a quart of water! But I can do that, I've got a few hours left!
  2. Drank my "new favorite" Green smoothie: swiss chard, pineapple and banana.
  3. Raw veggies for lunch and salad for supper.
  4. I had some walnuts, millet, oats, and 7 other grains today.
  5. Still out of coconut oil. I am stopping on my way to church to pick some up!
  6. Kelp and Dulse on salad. (this is so easy, so if you are not doing this, pick some up and sprinkle it on your food.)
  7. Took all my scheduled Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics
  8. White foods. Macey made some whole grain chocolate chip cookies. They had some sugar in them, and I ate one two ok, three. Yeah, I'm not perfect.
  9. I think I have not eaten enough raw today, because I also made my famous granola and it is baked. It is so delicious it is hard to stop eating it! But I have eaten plenty of 7 grains plus millet! I use molasses so it has iron (sounds good, huh?)
  10. Sweat. Yes.
How's everyone else doing?


Blogger said...

3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

This means that you actually kill fat by eating Coconut Fats (also coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

These 3 researches from big medicinal magazines are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world upside down!