Successful Juice Fast / Feast
7:35 AM Posted In fasting , health , Juice Feast , nutrition , weight loss Edit This 0 Comments »Day 5 of 6 Day Juice Fast
4:13 AM Posted In fasting Edit This 0 Comments »Where to get Heirloom Seeds
1:17 PM Posted In gardening , survival Edit This 0 Comments »Juice Fasting
12:07 PM Posted In fasting , green smoothie challenge Edit This 0 Comments »Magazine Subscription on my wish list!
1:48 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Garlic Butter with Coconut Oil
4:20 PM Posted In health , recipe Edit This 1 Comment »Berries in Green Smoothies
1:27 PM Edit This 1 Comment »HERB SALAD RECIPE
8:46 AM Posted In children , nutrition , weight loss Edit This 0 Comments »Green Smoothie Challenge and Salad Class Musings
2:42 PM Posted In green smoothie challenge , recipe , salad Edit This 0 Comments »Green Smoothie Baby
1:31 PM Posted In baby , children , food , green smoothie Edit This 0 Comments »Blessings Multiplied
3:40 AM Posted In God's blessings , green smoothie challenge , greenhouse Edit This 1 Comment »- a friend gave me a huge bag (maybe 15 pounds?) of garbanzo beans. We make a lot of hummus, so this was perfect. She also gave me red lentils (for making birthright stew), a 50 lb bag of oats w/ 7 other grains (for making granola), a box of Nutritional Yeast (for yucky popcorn for Harm) and a few other items
- an acquaintance gave us about 10 bags of various kinds of beans (Shawne eats beans all the time)
- our church gave us 6 bushels of peas/beans
- my mom brought us some blueberries & for the meat eaters, steaks
Green Smoothie Recipe For People Sensitive to Sugar
4:42 PM Posted In cancer , diabetes , green smoothie , green smoothie challenge , hypoglycemia Edit This 0 Comments »Some folks can't tolerate sugars, even fruit sugar, like me, a hypoglycemic. Other people need to watch sugar intake (diabetics, arthritics, cancer patients...) So this recipe would be suitable for Low Sugar diets.
1 granny smith apple, washed, not peeled
4-5 stalks celery, ends & tips removed, use leaves
2 cups chopped romaine lettuce
½ of a large avocado
½ bunch parsley
approx 3-4 cups clean drinking water
Chop vegetables into 1 inch pieces for easy blending. Fill blender with 3-4 cups filtered water (more or less water depending on how thick you desire your shake). Add all ingredients into blender. Puree till smooth or desired consistency.
* You can also add the juice from one half of a lemon or lime and even ¼ tsp sea salt and/or cayenne pepper.
(this recipe originated from
Weight loss, Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics
8:06 AM Posted In digestive enzymes , green smoothie challenge , probiotics Edit This 0 Comments »Where do you get your protein
7:23 AM Edit This 0 Comments »If you want to be absolutely certain that you are getting enough protein, you should eat food combinations which form a complete protein, such as:
- Legumes + seeds
- Legumes + nuts
- Legumes + grains
Good complete protein combos:
- Beans on toast
- Corn and beans
- Hummus and pita bread
- Nut butter on whole grain bread
- Whole Grain Pasta with beans
- Rice and beans, peas, or lentils
- Split pea soup with whole grain or seeded crackers or bread
- Whole grain tortillas with beans
- Veggie Burgers on whole grain breads
Finding a Good Doctor
6:58 AM Posted In doctor , health , vitamin d Edit This 1 Comment »Kicking off another Green Smoothie Challenge
2:56 PM Posted In green smoothie challenge , greenhouse , salad , weight loss , whole food diet Edit This 0 Comments »How to eat more Raw Foods
2:41 PM Edit This 0 Comments »- Go to farmers markets, take it home, wash it and eat it! Fun.
- Change your idea of condiments: try raw cashews and other nuts. Dates are sweet and delicious. Seaweeds, nut oils, olive oil, raw nori sheets to wrap veggies in!
- Pudding. Blend an avocado, a very ripe banana and cocoa or carob powder! (if you are a real sweet tooth, you may need to add raw honey)
- Fresh Salsa. Fresh Gazpacho. How to make it? Blend tomato, cucumber, vinegar, other veggies you like, pour in a bowl, top with diced avocado. Yum.
- Start having one all raw day weekly!
- Start every meal with either a green smoothie or green salad.
- Play with smoothies. It is so much fun to create smoothies! Buy a bunch of fruit and make a different one every morning!
Green Smoothie Challenge Day.....
2:30 PM Posted In granola , green smoothie challenge , water , weight loss Edit This 1 Comment »- Still need a quart of water! But I can do that, I've got a few hours left!
- Drank my "new favorite" Green smoothie: swiss chard, pineapple and banana.
- Raw veggies for lunch and salad for supper.
- I had some walnuts, millet, oats, and 7 other grains today.
- Still out of coconut oil. I am stopping on my way to church to pick some up!
- Kelp and Dulse on salad. (this is so easy, so if you are not doing this, pick some up and sprinkle it on your food.)
- Took all my scheduled Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics
- White foods. Macey made some whole grain chocolate chip cookies. They had some sugar in them, and I ate
onetwook, three. Yeah, I'm not perfect. - I think I have not eaten enough raw today, because I also made my famous granola and it is baked. It is so delicious it is hard to stop eating it! But I have eaten plenty of 7 grains plus millet! I use molasses so it has iron (sounds good, huh?)
- Sweat. Yes.
Laughter for Health
2:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Do something for someone else. This always makes me happy.
Take a nap ouside in a hammock, if you do't have one, just take a nap in the grass!
Plant a seed with a youngster and help them make it grow, this is so much fun.
Have a campfire during a full moon.
Michael Pollan's 12 Commandments of Food
3:51 AM Edit This 0 Comments »- Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.
- Avoid products containing ingredients you can't pronounce.
- Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot.
- Avoid food products that carry health claims.
- Shop the peripheries of the supermarket;stay out of the middle.
- Better yet, buy food somewhere else: the farmers' market or community supported agriculture.
- Pay more, eat less.
- Eat a wide variety of species.
- Eat food from animals that eat grass.
- Cook, and if you can, grow some of your own food.
- Eat meas, and eat them only at tables!
- Eat deliberately, with other people whenever possible, and always with pleasure.
Day 5 Green Smoothie Challenge
6:21 PM Edit This 1 Comment »- Water: I met my goal today!
- Green Smoothie: Spinach/Peach blend, 1 quart
- Huge Salad for lunch
- I made some homemade granola for snacking...plenty of oats and walnuts.
- Coconut Oil: Actually I let myself run out, but I'm picking some up tomorrow!
- Sprinkled dulse on my oriental salad at lunch today! Yummy.
- I took all my Digestive Enzymes and probiotics today as scheduled.
- No white stuff. OH, except for a small scoop of boiled potatoes.
- I'd say 90% of what I ate today was raw.
- I have still not worked out...Day 5 and I haven't worked out. Bummer. Tomorrow I will take a 2 mile walk AND jump rope... I promise!
Coconut Oil
11:31 AM Posted In coconut oil , hypoglycemia , weight loss Edit This 1 Comment »Day 4 Green Smoothie Challenge
2:31 PM Posted In green smoothie challenge , health , nutrition Edit This 1 Comment »- Water...still need to do better here. I think I am a glass or two short.
- Green Smoothie: Drank up the last of the Demo Green Smoothies. The Margaritaville was the last to go ;o)
- Raw veggies and fruits...ate a huge salad for lunch with a Raw Pizza (yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, olives, sun dried tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and walnuts...)
- Whole grains, nuts, legumes, seeds: ate walnuts and sunflower seeds at lunch. Macey made homemade hummus...I'm having about a cup of that for my supper tonight with another BIG salad.
- Coconut Oil: put it on my Raw Pizza
- Sprinkled dulse on my lunch food instead of salt. You know you can purchase kelp and dulse at Mountain Air Natural Foods in town. It is so very good for you, so go out and pick up some of this stuff soon. It's not very expensive but it packs a lot of nourishment to your thyroid, and we all know that we need our thyroid in peak performance to keep our metabolism revved up.
- Probiotic and Digestive Enzymes: you all know where to get these? I really like these probiotics, and I take these Digestive Enzymes (my doctor in FL has had me on them for about 3 years now).
- I am doing ok today with skipping the white foods and flesh. I have been doing that for YEARS, so it usually isn't too hard for me. It's one of those baby step things and you do gradually get used to it. The hardest time of course, is when you are in a social setting, and everyone is eating the white stuff...
- Everything I have eaten today so far has been raw, so I am doing great. For supper I am eating the salad followed by hummus. Here's a little tip. When you are making your green smoothie in the morning, or even when you are making yourself a salad, go ahead and make two and pop one in the fridge for later. I make as much green smoothie as will fit in my blender and drink part now and part later... Same with salads. Just make double the amount and you will have an easy supper starter, because we are all eating a salad before our supper meal, right?
- I am NOT doing good on the sweat thing...I have been working all day but I have not taken the time to exercise. Please nag me! Are you all working out? What kinds of workouts do you gals like to do?
New Favorite Smoothie Recipe
2:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 3 Green Smoothie Challenge
12:13 PM Posted In coconut oil , exercise , green smoothie challenge , probiotics , raw foods , water , weight loss Edit This 1 Comment »- Water: I do pretty good drinking my water up until crazy hour (4p.m. to about 8p.m.), so tomorrow I am going to try to drink most of my water before then. How do you make sure you are getting your 8-12 glasses?
- One QUART of Green smoothie. Check. I have all the leftovers from the demo nights!
- Consumption of raw veggies and fruits. Check. Haley made me a HUGE salad for lunch, it had romaine lettuce, vidalia onions, tomatoes, green and black olives, cucumbers, sun dried tomatoes, pink sea salt and lemon juice.
- Whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds: see #5 nut butter
- I put coconut oil in a smoothie (not my green's what I did, frozen bananas, 1 tablespoon carob powder, dash of salt, scoop of coconut oil, 1 spoonful of nut butter and vanilla...yummy)
- Kelp, dulse, nori or seaweed...will sprinkle some dulse on my suppertime salad.
- I took Ultimate Defense upon arising this morning (with two glasses of water) and I take another one at bedtime.
- lunch I did eat a taste of the homemade spaghetti the kids made. I guess that was flour pasta, so I messed up on that one!
- After my supper salad I will have had 3 meals with the largest percentage being raw. I did have a snack, the banana smoothie.
- I took a long walk with Macey today, but I wouldn't say I pushed myself. I really have to think of what I can do for exercise. Any ideas or suggestions? I like to play tennis but I don't have the equipment. I am open to any one who wants a work out partner, but it can't be expensive. I need some support and suggestions here!
Green Smoothie Challenge
11:51 AM Posted In green smoothie , SAD , weight loss Edit This 2 Comments »30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge
12:19 PM Posted In diet , green smoothie , health , weight loss , whole foods Edit This 1 Comment »This is a simple 10-point program called THE GREEN SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE for losing weight that will simultaneously nourish your body’s organs that you need to support you, your whole life (8 do’s and only 2 don’ts).
1. Drink 8-12 glasses of water daily (between meals, not during). Start with two glasses of water when you first wake up, since you wake up dehydrated. For that first water in the morning, add a teaspoon of Sole. Read about the importance of getting mineral-rich salt in your diet here:http://www.
2. Drink 1 quart of green smoothie daily—drink as much as you want!
3. Eat 8-10 raw vegetables and fruits daily (with most of those being vegetables including plenty of greens).
4. Eat freely of whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds—soak them whenever possible for maximum nutrition.
5. Eat 1 oz. or more of coconut oil daily (dramatic evidence has documented its positive effect on weight loss and thyroid support).
6. Add kelp, dulse, nori, or seaweed to a green smoothie, soup, or salad every day (to nourish the thyroid, critical to metabolism)—or, it’s easier to add green drink with greens, kelp, dulse, and probiotics to your water.
7. Take a good probiotic daily, and digestive enzymes with any meal that isn’t mostly raw.
8. Avoid processed sugar, white flour, animal flesh, and coffee/soft drinks (including diet drinks) or other stimulants using NutraSweet (aspartame) and caffeine.
9. Eat three meals daily that are 60% raw or more—have a salad or green smoothie FIRST in the meal to provide enzymes and help fill you up. Avoid snacking (if you must snack as you’re transitioning to three meals a day, have a green smoothie as a snack). Keep the treats to once a day, after a meal. Eat until you’re satisfied.
10. Break a sweat once a day, 5-6 days a week—do both aerobic and weight bearing exercise, and push yourself.