Green Smoothie Challenge Day.....
2:30 PM Posted In granola , green smoothie challenge , water , weight loss Edit This 1 Comment »
I'm losing track of the days! I didn't bother posting over the weekend, but I held up my 10 points. The only thing I did that was not part of the plan was the night of our anniversary. Shawne took me to Wasabi's. Yum. I did undereat though, and that is a huge improvement for me, as Wasabi's is my favorite place to eat, and I only get to go there a few times per year.
- Still need a quart of water! But I can do that, I've got a few hours left!
- Drank my "new favorite" Green smoothie: swiss chard, pineapple and banana.
- Raw veggies for lunch and salad for supper.
- I had some walnuts, millet, oats, and 7 other grains today.
- Still out of coconut oil. I am stopping on my way to church to pick some up!
- Kelp and Dulse on salad. (this is so easy, so if you are not doing this, pick some up and sprinkle it on your food.)
- Took all my scheduled Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics
- White foods. Macey made some whole grain chocolate chip cookies. They had some sugar in them, and I ate
onetwook, three. Yeah, I'm not perfect. - I think I have not eaten enough raw today, because I also made my famous granola and it is baked. It is so delicious it is hard to stop eating it! But I have eaten plenty of 7 grains plus millet! I use molasses so it has iron (sounds good, huh?)
- Sweat. Yes.
How's everyone else doing?
3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.
This means that you actually kill fat by eating Coconut Fats (also coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 researches from big medicinal magazines are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world upside down!
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