Day 4 Green Smoothie Challenge
2:31 PM Posted In green smoothie challenge , health , nutrition Edit This 1 Comment »
Encouragement of the day: Eat the Rainbow every week using Fruits and Vegetables
- Water...still need to do better here. I think I am a glass or two short.
- Green Smoothie: Drank up the last of the Demo Green Smoothies. The Margaritaville was the last to go ;o)
- Raw veggies and fruits...ate a huge salad for lunch with a Raw Pizza (yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, olives, sun dried tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and walnuts...)
- Whole grains, nuts, legumes, seeds: ate walnuts and sunflower seeds at lunch. Macey made homemade hummus...I'm having about a cup of that for my supper tonight with another BIG salad.
- Coconut Oil: put it on my Raw Pizza
- Sprinkled dulse on my lunch food instead of salt. You know you can purchase kelp and dulse at Mountain Air Natural Foods in town. It is so very good for you, so go out and pick up some of this stuff soon. It's not very expensive but it packs a lot of nourishment to your thyroid, and we all know that we need our thyroid in peak performance to keep our metabolism revved up.
- Probiotic and Digestive Enzymes: you all know where to get these? I really like these probiotics, and I take these Digestive Enzymes (my doctor in FL has had me on them for about 3 years now).
- I am doing ok today with skipping the white foods and flesh. I have been doing that for YEARS, so it usually isn't too hard for me. It's one of those baby step things and you do gradually get used to it. The hardest time of course, is when you are in a social setting, and everyone is eating the white stuff...
- Everything I have eaten today so far has been raw, so I am doing great. For supper I am eating the salad followed by hummus. Here's a little tip. When you are making your green smoothie in the morning, or even when you are making yourself a salad, go ahead and make two and pop one in the fridge for later. I make as much green smoothie as will fit in my blender and drink part now and part later... Same with salads. Just make double the amount and you will have an easy supper starter, because we are all eating a salad before our supper meal, right?
- I am NOT doing good on the sweat thing...I have been working all day but I have not taken the time to exercise. Please nag me! Are you all working out? What kinds of workouts do you gals like to do?
Here's something to think about. According to Dr. Gary Null, Food is only 20% of the equation for longevity and health, happiness accounts for 40%, exercise for 20% and managing stress 20%. So if we are happy and have the food and exercise down we are well over halfway to good health! Put a smile on your dial and eat those Green Smoothies girls!
3 Researches REVEAL How Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.
The meaning of this is that you literally get rid of fat by eating Coconut Fats (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 studies from major medicinal magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
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